Monday, September 26, 2011

“Making Infinity” at the Guggenheim Museum 9/24/2011

Dialogue (2009/11) by Lee Ufan (Korean, b.1936)
               Steel and Stones

               Courtesy Kukje Gallery, Seoul

The Dialogue, executed by Lee Ufan, is an art installation of a sculpture at the Guggenheim Museum. Two huge steel plates lean against each other and make a very sharp isosceles triangle standing between two big rocks. Lee Ufan expresses that “a stone is presented in its natural state and brought infinitely close to the human” and “a steel plate is presented in its artificial state and brought infinitely close to the nature.” Therefore, the rocks (nature) and the steel plates (artificial) are uniting, which creates the artist’s idea of infinity. The rocks and the steel plates interact with the opened space and its negative space creating an emptiness of non- existence in contrast to existence of things. In terms of the shapes, I like the pointy part of the stones angled toward the steel plates and the space between them, which is well placed and balanced.

The Color Wheel - color mixing

“September 11” at the MoMA PS1 9/19/2011

Meeting (1986)  by James Turrell (American, b. 1934)
            Interior fluorescent light and open sky
            Long-term installation, MoMA PS1, Long Island City, New York

The Meeting, executed by James Turrell,  is an art installation at the MoMA PS1 in Long Island City, New York. The installation is a white square room with four wooden reclined benches attached on each wall. The ceilling of the room has an open square space which exposes the interior to the exterior of the building creating harmony. You may see a vapour trail, flying birds, and the changing clouds in the sky while you are sitting on the wooden benches. It is like watching a picture of the sky in a frame that is unforeseen and changing. The sunlight comes into the room through the open square space and casts shadows on the walls. The room is a magical space where I could go into a dream world. People meet there, look up at the sky, and share an interesting experience.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Tenth Anniversary 9/11 Art Exhibition in LaGuardia Community College 9/10/2011


3WTC / Mosque Series    Executing by Greg Hilton

Date:2001  Size:48"x 60"  Medium:Heat transfers on Lutrador

The works of art draw my attention to them because they show an interesting setting with the picture of the twin tower between the pictures of Islamic Mosques. It looks like the twin tower is surrounded by terrorists or the capitalism in the West is surrounded by the Islamic religious thought. I was also curious to know how to make these works of art. I like the texture of the medium, the printing method, and the way color is used. They bring on a feeling of sorrow to me.